Todd Dunford
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Todd Dunford
Following the sound of a twangy guitar mixed with a raw-edged voice singing a soulful country song will, without a doubt, lead you straight to Bee, Virginia. No, it’s not the country music mecca, but it is the home of singer/songwriter Todd Dunford, known to many as the “King of Country Blues.”
Being a carpenter by trade, Todd knows the importance of laying a good foundation which is exactly what he’s done with his own country music career. At the age of sixteen, he began construction using songs as his base. One of his first compositions entitled, “My Dad,” was written after his Dad lost a long battle with Leukemia. Another special song that also stirs strong feelings is “What Still Lives In My Mind,” a song written in tribute to his friend, Grabern and all war veterans. It’s his ability to put these heart-wrenching emotions and events into words that allows his songs to touch the hearts of so many.
Todd is back with a brand new song Let His Memory Die
Todd and Lenoir’s previous release was He Lights Up My Way
And check out Todd’s heart-warming song I Gave My Life To Jesus
Find out more about Todd Dunford here and check out his Facebook and Spotify